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Monitor Any Java Process With Jolokia

Hello, friends, I am writing this post because I struggled a lot to find out the solution for this.

I was having a running java application on my machine and I wanted to monitor the performance 
of that application.

There are various tools to monitor the java process like:
  • JConsole
  • Jolokia
You will find many posts about monitoring java process through JConsol, So let's not discuss that topic here anymore.

In this post, we are going to discuss the Jolokia.

To Monitor any java process via Jolokia fellow below steps:
  • Assuming that you are having a running java process in your machine with PID 1234
  • Start the Jolokia JVM agent by running below command to monitor a java process
    • java -jar jolokia-jvm-1.5.0-agent.jar start 1234
                 Here 1234 is a process id, in which java process is running.
  • After executing this command you will see the access URL just below the command in the terminal. e.g.:
  • To verify the successful installation just hit the URL in the browser  you will be seeing a output something like this:

If you have any doubt watch the below videos:


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