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Running Salt Master In Docker Container From Scratch 

In this post, we will install salt master in docker container and configure the public IP so it will be reachable from outside.

  • Ubuntu host up and running.
  • Public IP should be configured.
  • Docker should be installed.
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Pull Ubuntu docker image

docker pull  ubuntu:14.04.5
It will download the Ubuntu docker image.

Create a container for salt master
docker run -ti --name salt-master-server  --net=none --privileged=true ubuntu:14.04.5 bash
This will create a container, we will use the same container to install salt master. Now configure the network for this container.

Assigning an IP for a container

Here I am assuming that host machine is having interface "eth0" with public IP configured. Name of the container is salt-master-server. The below steps needs to be performed on the docker host.
  • Create a virtual interface

    $ ip link add name veth0 link eth0 type macvlan mode bridge
     New virtual interface "veth0" will be created.

  • Get the process id for the salt master container

    $ docker inspect -f '{{.State.Pid}}' salt-master-server
  • $ mkdir -p /var/run/netns

    $ ln -s /proc/<processid>/ns/net /var/run/netns/<processid>

  • Assign the virtual interface to salt-master

    $ ip link set veth0 netns <processid> name eth0
  • Get the public Ip to virtual interface

    $ docker exec -it salt-master-server dhclient -v eth0

Note: If you are facing any issue on assigning the static public IP to the container then check out     this guide

Install salt master on newly created container
  • Login into the container

    $ docker attach salt-master-server
  • $ apt-get update
    $ apt-get install software-properties-common
    $ apt-get install python-software-properties
  • Install salt master

    $ add-apt-repository ppa:saltstack/salt
    $ apt-get update
    $ apt-get install salt-master salt-ssh salt-cloud salt-doc
    $ service salt-master start

Here we have added the salt stack ppa and installed the salt master. We have also installed the salt-ssh and salt-cloud, which give us more flexibility to connect and control the resources. You can also change the default settings in /etc/salt/master if needed.

Check out this video:

You should have a salt master configured to manage your infrastructure. To configure salt minion in the docker container check out this guide. 


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