Switching between HTTP to HTTPS for Local Development There are millions of developers who write web applications every day. While writing these applications generally they run them locally or in the test environment to test the functionally, before releasing them to production. These applications expose HTTP endpoint using which they can be accessed and tested. Some times it requires to test the same application using HTTPS. I came across with this use case while working on CloudWatch Metric Streams, where I wanted to send the CloudWatch Metric Streams data to the monitoring solution using Kinesis Data Firehose, and it only accepts HTTPS endpoint. To accomplish the task I wrote one spring boot application . I was running this locally and it was exposing the HTTP endpoint, and the same endpoint can not be used in the Kinesis Data Firehose. It should expose HTTPS Endpoint. There are many ways to expose the HTTPS endpoint and using ngrok it can be easily done. Install n...
The Citizenship Amendment Bill has now become the Citizenship Amendment Act. Protests Against It There have been massive protests against it in different corners of the country In Assam, in the rest of the north eastern states, in West Bengal, Kerala, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, and even in Delhi, protests took place Most of the protests were non violent and peaceful but violence erupted in some places like the West Bengal, where a train was set on fire For instance in Delhi, where some buses were set on fire. Appeal to Peoples I'd like to say that, all the people who are protesting, you need to be extra sure to ensure that all the protests remain non-violent because you are going to gain nothing out of setting fire to public property What will happen is that, when any protest turns violent, you will not only lose public support but the government will get another excuse to use the police force against you more brutally, to attack you, to fi...